European stocks rose transactions morning on Monday in his first week's sessions, to near the highest level in seven registered weeks on Friday, led gains automakers with the rise of the VW shares, continued energy sector gains with the rise of oil prices to the highest level in four weeks.
The Dow Jones Stoxx Europe 600 index rose 0.2 percent by 10:21 am GMT, the session index closed on Friday down less than 0.2 percent within a correction and profit taking after scoring earlier in the meeting of the highest level in seven weeks.
The sector carmakers biggest gainer among all sectors of the Dow Jones Stoxx Europe index during morning trading, with the rise of the VW shares at 1.5 percent.
And continued energy sector in Europe in the gains for the third straight session, with the rise of oil prices for the third day and recorded the highest level in four weeks after renewed hopes of a freeze global production.
Futures rose for the S & P 500 rose 0.2 percent registered a new record high, and the index ended the Friday session on Wall Street was down about 0.1 percent due to correction and profit taking.
As for the most important European markets indicators euros Stoke 50 index rose 0.2 percent, and France's CAC 40 Index climbed 0.1 percent, and Germany's DAX added 0.4 percent ratio, In London, FTSE 100 rose 0.1 percent amount.
The Dow Jones Stoxx Europe 600 index rose 0.2 percent by 10:21 am GMT, the session index closed on Friday down less than 0.2 percent within a correction and profit taking after scoring earlier in the meeting of the highest level in seven weeks.
The sector carmakers biggest gainer among all sectors of the Dow Jones Stoxx Europe index during morning trading, with the rise of the VW shares at 1.5 percent.
And continued energy sector in Europe in the gains for the third straight session, with the rise of oil prices for the third day and recorded the highest level in four weeks after renewed hopes of a freeze global production.
Futures rose for the S & P 500 rose 0.2 percent registered a new record high, and the index ended the Friday session on Wall Street was down about 0.1 percent due to correction and profit taking.
As for the most important European markets indicators euros Stoke 50 index rose 0.2 percent, and France's CAC 40 Index climbed 0.1 percent, and Germany's DAX added 0.4 percent ratio, In London, FTSE 100 rose 0.1 percent amount.