
Profit / Loss Forex Account

Every business process ends the gain or loss, note that the trading platform performs all calculations automatically. And in any case, it is useful to know the principle underlying these accounts. It is worth to note three things: the size of the deal and the price of a financial instrument and the point of the deal (buy or sell).
Profit and loss account

Let's assume that the price of the currency pair USD / JPY was 95.620 / 95.650 and decided to buy a $ 200,000. Being open trade at the ESCWA Ask - 95.650.
US $ 200,000 * 95.650 = 19.13 million yen
In this way, you have bought US $ 200,000 and sold at the same time, 19.13 million yen.
Suppose that the exchange price of this currency pair has become equal to 96.400 / 94.430 for and wanted to close the deal and sell 200,000 Dularalta I had purchased during the opening deal. The deal closed at a price Bid Pit, which is equal to 94.400.
200000 USD * 96.400 = 19280000 Jbeil

The difference between the initial price and the final price Ask Bid equals 75 points (or 750 triple point in the trading platform). So you have bought $ 200,000 to 19.13 million yen and sold it later at a price of 19.28 million yen.
That is, that the profit is equal to 19280000 to 19130000 = 150000 yen.
Now we convert the Japanese yen, the US dollar
150 000 JPY / 96.400 = 1556.01 USD
It is also no other way to account. The one point of the currency pair USD / JPY is equal to 0.01 yen. So it is the existence of a deal size of 200,000, is the one price point (200,000 * 0.01 = 2,000 yen). Recall that the difference between the purchase price and the sale price - 75 points. Multiplying the amount of dots at a price point: 75 * 2000 = 150000 yen or US $ 1556.01.
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