
What are the trading platform ?

The trading platform is the combination of technical tools and software that provides users (traders) access to information about the situation in the financial markets, and also allow the implementation of trading and tracking of obligations between the client and the company that provide access to financial markets.
Trading platform operates over the Internet and consists of two main parts:

1.mansh client trading, which is a computer program installed on a computer or mobile device merchant.

2. The company, which provides server Price (information on the prices of financial instruments) to customers pads, Aniv business operations according to the requests of traders.

Trading platforms vary in functionality and interface, technical specifications, and the most important of these differences are:
Install trading platform: a) install on a PC; b) to install the web interface (through a Web browser); c) the installation on the mobile phone ;;
View graph of prices received;
Do technical analysis with the help of a wide range of indicators;
Interface quick and easy to use for the development of applications;
The possibility of trading in the stock market or with many of the liquidity providers at the same time (for example, on commercial platforms of the ECN).
The possibility of an automated business processes, according to a strategic one.
Additional services - accounts and tape management news and generate signals
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